Thursday, 23 July 2009

The grass-eating boys of Japan

My ex teacher gave me an interesting article.

It's about "Sousyoku Danshi".According to the article, a pop culture columnist defines it as herbivore: a Japanese man who saves money, shuns sex, has a penchant for nice clothes, and prefers a quieter, less competitive life style.

Besides these, they tend to be close to their mothers[I think it's not necessarily so], prefer platonic relationships with female friends, have fewer career ambitions.
It's true, it is happening in Japan now.
I think it must be a part of new culture and we don't need to hesitate to accept it , although I don't want to be.

The only thing I'm worried about, however, is a lack of competition in the future.

I think some reasons are obvious.
One of interesting reasons is a advancement in the social status of women.
As time goes by, male chauvinism seems to be disappearing.

If young Japanese men are called "herbivore", young Japanese women who bring home the bacon might be called "carnivorous girls or women" hahahaha

The time may come when carnivorous girls or women will feed on herbivore boys or men.

Sunday, 19 July 2009

Fireworks by Argentina

Happy Birthday to my best friend, Olga!!!!

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Big Mac S size

Before I caught a movie, I ate Big Mac Combo for the first time in several months.

It was amazing. It was every inch a small size, but in the huge box for Big Mac.
Moreover, they served me not only such as a funny hamburger but also lukewarm Coke and the burnt French fries.
Unfortunately, I rarely eat such as junk food, so I didn't care and enjoyed them. I just had no choice, cuz it was around 11:00 and there was no restaurants around me.

However, the movie I caught after that was so funny and might be the best comedy movie that I have ever watched. You must!!!!

By the way, I finally changed my flight schedule to September 1st.
I wanted to go back to Japan earlier, but there was no seat any more.

Monday, 13 July 2009

Naomi Wolf

Today, I read an autobiography. In the back of the book, there was a small paragraph entitled, "About the Author." I laughed. MLIA

Saturday, 11 July 2009

My Life is Average

Today, when I saw a police officer, I mentally checked if I was doing anything illegal.
Of course I wasn't. I smiled at him and he smiled back. MLIA [My life is average]

Friday, 10 July 2009

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet" by shakespare.

Do you understand what it means?
What matters is what something is, not what it is called.

I stick to my principle.

Sunday, 5 July 2009

Saturday, 4 July 2009

It might be time to back to reality

I decided to shorten my stay in Canada from September to August.
I already bought a round-trip ticket from Montreal to Narita. It's a kind of one year open return international ticket, so it's much easier to change my flight schedule , but I have a problem with additional fee. It cost $100.Hummm. There is room for consideration.

Honestly, I was supposed to stay here till end of LAST September....but I extended my stay again and again. I felt attracted to muticuture city Montreal and I might have had intersted motives..kkkkk
However, now my school is gone and I have nothing to do here. I feel it's meaningless stay any more and corrupt me..........

Hummmm.......It might be time to go back to reality.

Friday, 3 July 2009

Montreal Jazz Fest kicked off with Stevie Wonder

I will never forget his voice and performance of harmonica with umbrella....

Montreal Jazz Festival started with free Stevie Wonder concert 3 days ago.
Of course I attended it because I thought I wouldn't have a chance of seeing his live concert in my life, so I arrived there 2 and half hours before it started. However, it was already crowded and we saved a place as far as I could barely see one of the huge screens.
According to media, about 100,000 people were expected to attend it.

Besides, it started raining until just before he showed up[he might have special power]
Everybody took their umbrellas and opened it, so I couldn't see anything at all!!!!
I thought it was Umbrella Fest, not Jazz Fest.

I also found nice umbrella that is written by French ' MERDE IL PLEUT'
It means that shit, it's raining......French is so beautiful language...kkkkk
If you wanna buy it, click below.

Although I knew only just a few Stevie Wonder's song before, I really like it. Moreover, he played several Michel Jackson's songs to pay tribute and his last respects to Michel.It was amazing.........

Thursday, 2 July 2009