Saturday, 4 July 2009

It might be time to back to reality

I decided to shorten my stay in Canada from September to August.
I already bought a round-trip ticket from Montreal to Narita. It's a kind of one year open return international ticket, so it's much easier to change my flight schedule , but I have a problem with additional fee. It cost $100.Hummm. There is room for consideration.

Honestly, I was supposed to stay here till end of LAST September....but I extended my stay again and again. I felt attracted to muticuture city Montreal and I might have had intersted motives..kkkkk
However, now my school is gone and I have nothing to do here. I feel it's meaningless stay any more and corrupt me..........

Hummmm.......It might be time to go back to reality.

1 comment:

  1. Will you come back at Augest??!!
    It's so earlyer than I think.
    Why did you change your mind??
